Sunday 30 January 2011

Book Review: Just Take my Heart - Mary Higgins Clark

Just Take My Heart is released on the middle of 2010. I live in Indonesia, so not until late December then I have the chance to have it.

The story is basically about Greg Aldrich, the husband of a Broadway star, Natalie Raines. And Emily Wallace, an attractive 32 year-old assistant prosecutor.
So Natalie Raines live with her friend, Jamie Evans. And she recently tried to divorced Aldrich. Aldrich was too much to handle as he always stalked Natalie, trying to find if she had any lovers.
When Natalie was found dead in her house, Aldrich is the person to be accused, more over, Jimmy, a criminal, said that Aldrich paid him to kill Natalie, but Jimmy didn't accept it. Did Aldrich really plan the murder?
Emily Wallace is assigned to the case. As she spends increasingly long hours preparing for the trial, a seemingly well-meaning neighbor offers to take care of her dog in her absence. Unaware of his violent past, she gives him a key to her home...
Aldrich's trial is making headlines, because it involves a star, murder plan, and romance, what else can the public want? Her boss warns Emily that this high-profile case will reveal personal matters about her, esp. the fact that she had a heart transplant. And guess who the donor is!!
As Emily is getting busy, her dog is being ignored. A nice neighbor offer help. Emily thought that Zach is so nice, and she did ingore her dog too long, so she just simply give her keys to Zach. Without her knowing, Zach is a bit creepy, touches Emily's personal things.. Ewwww...
During the trial, Emily experiences sentiments (guessed it's from the heart?) kinda make her judgement blur?? And the jury decided Gregg Aldrich's fate, but Emily senses something is not right.. Her heart keeps on giving memories about the case (weird).. She keeps on searching informations, and her life is actually on risk...

My comment:
After reading this, I hate to say, that I could guessed the end.. And it's kinda weird if you're in an office and someone had heart transplant and no one knows? I thought at least she would need several days before and after the transplantation. More, the heart source is also weird, is it possible to be a donor without no one knowing?
Then Emily's reasoning and the juror session was a bit boring, perhaps as I'm not into law? I guessed it was too long.. hehe..
This is good to read for a lazy afternoon, but probably better if i borrowed from the library instead of buying it..
I would definetly reccomend her previous books to bought though. But for the sake of MHC, and as I'm good fan, I keep the book at my bookshelf.. :)
Anyway, I always love MHC's book, and after long time not reading her books, this kind of reminds me to her older books. And I do re-read My Gals Sunday after this.. haha..

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