Tuesday 15 February 2011

Matt Koval: 8 Dates

New series by Matt Koval, The title is 8 Dates.
Basically, through out the weeks, we'll get to know about Eva and her dates. She never had a date in 5 years, and her cousin Matt is trying to help her to find a date on valentines day.

Why Ava needs help, and what cousin Matt suggested her to improve before starting on dating.
Dates 1:
What not to say on first date..
Ava is kind of new to this dating-thing.. So she ask sort-of unapropriate questions..
Dates 2:
Meet the second date online.. Found out that he has no arms (he's limp)..
He's fun, hillarious, charming, but Ava can't resist to think about his limpness, and start asking silly question..

Dates 3:
Dating her older (senior) friend. He's nice, didn't mention about calories, let Ava choose the dessert (even two desserts) until it's time to leave..

Dates 4:
Dating someone who thinks u looked like his mom? Good or bad?

Dates 5:
Ava uses different approach.. by being sexy.. But then, his dates turned to be a zombie (not litterally)..

Dates 6:
Okay, this one is her effort to be a gay, with the help of wikipedia..

Dates 7:
Dating some one who can't forget his ex-girlfriend.. Awww..

Dates 8:
Last date? Turned out to be a date-coach.. what will Ava's score be?

Final Dates (Valentine day)
Additional date. at the valentine day.. Ava's been waiting for hours.. lonely, sad..
Destiny is not on her side this time, her date is sitting somewhere at the other corner of the resto.. saaad..

My comment:
I started following this because of Philip Wang (http://www.wongfuproductions.com/) is involved in date #2.
Seeing that the series is hillarious, every week i'll go to youtube, seeing the latest update from Ava and her dates..
Date #8 should be her last date, and I was upset seeing that it ended badly, but then there is final date.. I'm so happy.. Until.. I saw the final date... Nooo, I wanted a happy ending.. huhu..
Matt Koval (www.twitter.com/mattkoval), would you made another additional date for the two-cat-lovers?? pleasseeee...

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