Monday 26 October 2009

Nostalgia di Malang

I just come back from malang. Memoriesss.. Lots of memories flying over. Remembering two months ago when I stay there..

I was working for the factory in pasuruan (it's part of the undergraduate degree lesson), and if I stick on staying in surabaya, it will waste many time. Porong is still very crowded. So we decided to rent a room in Malang. And everyday we drove through malang-purwosari, pasuruan.

What we do when we come back to malang?
After we come back from the factory, we always walk to a baked meatball restaurant. Our room was near ABM, and the meatball there was SUPER!!


Today after finishing the report and send it to the factory, we decided to drop by, and buy meatball! I loooovee it..
Actually, we buy "soto" first, for 6500 rupiah, it is considered so cheap. then afterthat the second round goes for the meatball.. Soo full ..

Then we go to brawijaya museum. Cool place, too bad no picture-taking is allowed.
Inside the museum, we found many old-guns, old-car, and library. To bad it's seem oldies, no maintainance. Very dirty, dusty, and a bit humid.

Then we crossed the street, went to the malang library. Still in Ijen street. the library is so cool! There are many sciencetific books, but they also have comic books! cool!

Too bad it was very crowded, and it was very hot, unlike the UBAYA library which is very cold. The aircon didn't operate really well I guess.

Before we went back to surabaya, we drop by to Bakpio Telo

Buying some food for friends in Surabaya. Trying the Vanilla-telo icecream. (I didn't like it at all, bad choice)Fiuuuh..

I really love to go to malang, to be exact, my stomach is very satisfied!
Malang is truly a great place for an eating trip!

Go malang Go!!!

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